My Experience
Throughout my 4 year degree of Finance, I was able to experience and learn a number of practical skills through numerous projects and travel experiences.
Job Experience
Starting as a dish washer in 2018, I was able to work in plenty of different jobs while studying. Since then I’ve worked as a bartender, barista, executive team member, volunteer, Fed Ex parcel sorter and IKEA sales person to name a couple. Being able to work in different roles and jobs has humbled me but also helped me understand business from family owned businesses to multi billion dollar corporations.
GoGlobal Exchange to Switerzland
I participated in a 6 month exchange to Switerzland, studying at Zurich University of Applied Sciences. Being able live and study in Switerzland, a financial hub, gave me a deeper understanding of Finance and the rapidly changing market.
Curtin Business School
Throughout my 4 year course at Curtin University, I have completed numerous team projects in different units, which has gave me tremendous confidence in leading a team and completing projects at high level.
I have completed a number of different internships throughout my degree. These internships include marketing internships at St Thomas More College & in SeouL South Korea and a Production internship at Lockton Perth. I gained invaluable experience working under strong leadership and management, understanding how business works from the bottom up.